Welcome to the definitive guide on the Tsum Valley Permit. Are you an adventurer or a nature enthusiast? If so, this guide is for you. Nestled within the majestic Himalayas of Nepal, the Tsum Valley is a hidden gem offering breathtaking landscapes, ancient monasteries, and an unparalleled cultural experience. However, before embarking on this remarkable journey, understanding the Tsum Valley Permit and its importance is crucial. This comprehensive guide delves into the details, providing answers to your essential questions.

From the permit application process to the associated fees, we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re planning a trekking expedition or simply curious about this mystical valley, join us as we unveil the details of the Tsum Valley Permit. Get ready to immerse yourself in the enchanting world of the Tsum Valley and create lasting memories.

Required Permits for Tsum Valley

To obtain a Tsum Valley Trek permit, you need two permits:

  • Tsum Valley Restricted Area Permit (RAP)
  • Manaslu Conservation Area Project Permit (MCAP)

If you are going the Manaslu circuit via Tsum Valley you need one additional permit:

  • Manaslu Restricted Area Permit

Why is a permit required for the Tsum Valley?

To ensure the responsible and sustainable enjoyment of the Tsum Valley, a permit system is in place. This requirement stems from several key reasons:

1. Regulating Tourism and Protecting the Environment: The Tsum Valley, nestled within Nepal’s Manaslu region, is a unique ecosystem with a rich cultural heritage. Limiting tourist numbers through a permit system helps control the environmental impact and protects the fragile beauty of the region, allowing future generations to experience its wonders.

2. Preserving Cultural Heritage: The valley is home to several ancient Buddhist monasteries, including the renowned Mu Gompa, and vibrant local communities with centuries-old traditions. Permits help ensure respectful interactions with the local culture and minimize disruptions to their way of life.

3. Supporting Local Communities: The fees collected from permits contribute significantly to the development of the region. These funds are used for maintaining trekking trails, preserving cultural sites, and improving the lives of local communities, fostering a sustainable tourism model that benefits both visitors and residents.

In summary, the Tsum Valley Permit plays a crucial role in safeguarding the natural beauty, cultural heritage, and well-being of the Tsum Valley and its people.

How to Obtain a Tsum Valley Permit

Obtaining a Tsum Valley Permit is a straightforward process that can be completed through a registered trekking agency in Nepal:

1. Choose a Registered Trekking Agency:

Start by selecting a reliable trekking agency (MCT) that specializes in organizing trips to the Tsum Valley. Look for agencies with experience handling permit applications and a positive reputation among travelers.

2. Contact the Agency:

Once you’ve chosen an agency, contact them to inquire about the permit application process. They will provide the necessary information and guide you through the entire procedure.

3. Prepare the Required Documents:

To apply for the Tsum Valley Permit, you’ll need:

  • A valid passport with at least six months of validity
  • Two passport-sized photographs
  • A completed application form (the agency will assist you with this)

4. Pay the Permit Fees:

The Tsum Valley Permit fees vary depending on the season and duration of your visit. The trekking agency will inform you about the current fees, and you can make the payment accordingly. Remember, fees are subject to change, so check for updates.

5. Submit the Application:

Once you have all the documents and have made the payment, the trekking agency will submit your permit application to the Department of Immigration in Kathmandu on your behalf and keep you informed of the progress.

6. Obtain the Permit:

After approval, the agency will collect your permit from the Department of Immigration. Double-check the details for accuracy. Your permit is now ready, and you’re all set to explore the Tsum Valley!

Remember: Start the application process well in advance to avoid last-minute issues.

Cost of the Tsum Valley Permit

The cost of the Tsum Valley Permit depends on the season and duration of your visit. As of March 6, 2024, the permit fees are as follows:

  • September to November: USD 40 per person for the first week, and USD 7 per person per additional day.
  • December to August: USD 30 per person for the first week, and USD 7 per person per additional day.

It’s important to note that permit fees are subject to change. Always confirm the latest cost with your chosen trekking agency or the Department of Immigration in Nepal before finalizing your trip.

Additionally, the Tsum Valley Permit is separate from the Manaslu Circuit Permit, which is required if you plan to combine your Tsum Valley trek with the Manaslu Circuit trek. We will discuss the differences between these permits in a later section of this guide.

Manaslu Trek

Validity and Restrictions of the Tsum Valley Permit

The Tsum Valley Permit is valid for a maximum of 30 days, starting from the day of entry into the Tsum Valley. It’s essential to plan your itinerary accordingly and make sure you exit the valley within the permitted timeframe. Overstaying without a valid permit can result in penalties and legal complications, so it’s crucial to adhere to the rules and regulations.

Additionally, there are a few restrictions that visitors must keep in mind while exploring the Tsum Valley. These restrictions are in place to ensure the preservation of the valley’s cultural and natural heritage. Some of the key restrictions include:

No independent trekking

The Tsum Valley can only be visited through a registered trekking agency. Independent trekking is not allowed to maintain proper control over the number of tourists entering the valley.


Visitors are required to stay in registered lodges and teahouses along the trekking routes. Camping is not allowed, except in specific designated areas.

No littering

It’s essential to maintain the cleanliness of the valley by disposing of waste responsibly. Visitors are expected to follow the principles of Leave No Trace and leave the environment as they find it.

Respect local customs

The Tsum Valley is deeply rooted in Tibetan Buddhism, and visitors are expected to respect the local customs and traditions. Dress modestly, remove your shoes before entering monasteries, and seek permission before taking photographs of the local people.

By understanding and respecting these restrictions, you can ensure a positive and immersive experience in the Tsum Valley. Now, let’s dive into what you can expect once you set foot in this mystical valley.

Manaslu Camping Trek
Manaslu Camping Trek

What to Expect in the Tsum Valley

The Tsum Valley is a haven for nature enthusiasts, adventure seekers, and spiritual travelers alike. Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect when you visit this enchanting valley:

  • Breathtaking landscapes: The Tsum Valley is renowned for its awe-inspiring landscapes, including snow-capped peaks, lush green valleys, cascading waterfalls, and pristine alpine lakes. Every step of your journey will offer panoramic views that will leave you in awe of the natural beauty that surrounds you.
  • Ancient monasteries and cultural heritage: The Tsum Valley is home to several ancient Buddhist monasteries, each with its unique history and architectural beauty. The Mu Gompa, Rachen Gompa, and Nunnery of Chhule are among the must-visit monasteries that provide a glimpse into the spiritual and cultural traditions of the valley.
  • Warm and welcoming locals: The people of the Tsum Valley are known for their hospitality and warmth. Interacting with the local communities will give you insights into their traditional way of life, their customs, and their connection with nature. Engaging with the locals can be a truly enriching experience during your visit.
  • Off-the-beaten-path trekking routes: The Tsum Valley offers a variety of trekking routes, catering to different levels of difficulty and duration. Whether you’re a seasoned trekker or a beginner, there’s a trail for everyone. The trails will take you through remote villages, terraced fields, and high mountain passes, providing a unique and rewarding trekking experience.
  • Wildlife and biodiversity: The Tsum Valley is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, making it a paradise for nature lovers. Keep an eye out for Himalayan Thar, Musk Deer, Red Panda, and various species of birds as you traverse through the valley. The region’s biodiversity is truly remarkable, adding an element of wonder to your journey.

The Tsum Valley promises an immersive experience that combines natural beauty, cultural heritage, and adventure. Now that we’ve explored what awaits you in the valley, let’s compare the Tsum Valley Permit with the Manaslu Circuit Permit.

Tsum Valley Permit vs. Manaslu Circuit Permit

The Tsum Valley Permit and the Manaslu Circuit Permit are two separate permits required for trekking in the respective regions. While the Tsum Valley is a hidden gem within the Manaslu Conservation Area, the Manaslu Circuit is a more popular trekking route that encircles Mount Manaslu, the eighth-highest mountain in the world. Here are the key differences between the two permits:

Area coverage

The Tsum Valley Permit allows you to explore the Tsum Valley region, including the villages of Chumling, Chhokangparo, Nile, and Mu Gompa. On the other hand, the Manaslu Circuit Permit covers a larger area, starting from Arughat and encircling the entire Mount Manaslu.

Permit fees

As mentioned earlier, the Tsum Valley Permit fees depend on the season and duration of your visit, while the Manaslu Circuit Permit has a fixed fee structure. The Manaslu Circuit Permit costs USD 70 per person for the first week, and USD 10 per person per day thereafter, regardless of the season.

Trekking duration

The Tsum Valley trek can be completed within 12-14 days, depending on your itinerary. The Manaslu Circuit trek, on the other hand, usually takes around 15-18 days to complete. The longer duration of the Manaslu Circuit trek allows trekkers to explore a more extensive and diverse range of landscapes.

tsum valley trek
18 Days – 17 Nights
27% Off
$1,040.00 $1,430.00
Manaslu Tsum Valley of Nepal
24 Days – 23 Nights
20% Off
$1,875.00 $2,350.00

Trekking routes

While the Tsum Valley trek and the Manaslu Circuit trek overlap in certain sections, they have distinct trails and highlights. The Tsum Valley trek offers a more off-the-beaten-path experience, with a focus on cultural immersion and serene landscapes. The Manaslu Circuit trek, on the other hand, attracts a larger number of trekkers and offers a mix of natural beauty and cultural encounters.

Both treks have their unique charm, and choosing between them depends on your preferences and available time. Now that we’ve covered the permit comparison, let’s move on to some essential tips for trekking in the Tsum Valley.

Tips for trekking in the Tsum Valley

Trekking in the Tsum Valley requires proper planning and preparation to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Here are some tips to keep in mind before embarking on your Tsum Valley adventure:

Physical fitness

The Tsum Valley trek involves long hours of walking, steep ascents, and descents. It’s crucial to be in good physical shape before attempting the trek. Regular exercise, cardiovascular training, and strength-building exercises will help prepare your body for the challenges of the trail.


The Tsum Valley reaches high altitudes, and proper acclimatization is essential to avoid altitude sickness. It’s recommended to spend a few days in Kathmandu or other lower-altitude destinations before starting the trek. Additionally, follow a gradual ascent and allow for rest days to allow your body to adjust to the altitude.

Packing essentials

Pack light but ensure you have all the necessary trekking gear. Some essential items include sturdy trekking boots, warm clothing, a waterproof jacket, a good-quality sleeping bag, a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, a first-aid kit, and a water purifier. It’s also advisable to carry extra batteries and a power bank for your electronic devices.

Hydration and nutrition

Stay hydrated throughout the trek by drinking plenty of water. Carry a reusable water bottle and use water purification tablets or filters to ensure safe drinking water. Pack energy-rich snacks and meals that provide a good balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fats to fuel your body during the trek.

Hire a local guide or porter

Hiring a local guide or porter can enhance your trekking experience in the Tsum Valley. They are familiar with the trails, can provide insights into the local culture, and assist you with carrying your backpack. Supporting the local economy by hiring local guides and porters also has a positive impact on the communities in the region.

Be mindful of the weather

The weather in the Tsum Valley can be unpredictable, especially during the monsoon season (June to August) and winter months (December to February). It’s essential to check the weather forecast before starting your trek and be prepared for sudden changes. Carry appropriate rain gear and warm clothing to tackle any weather conditions.

By following these tips, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle the challenges of the Tsum Valley trek and make the most of your adventure.


With the Tsum Valley Permit in hand, you’re ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through a hidden Himalayan paradise. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking scenery, discover ancient cultural treasures, and experience the warm hospitality of the local people.

Contact Us:

For any queries regarding trekking permits or trekking in Nepal, contact us at:

Remember, responsible and sustainable tourism is crucial. Respect the local culture, minimize your impact on the environment, and leave no trace.

Happy trekking!


  1. Thanks for great info. What trips can you recommend in 2024? Astro tourism, eco diving, home swapping, train stations are the new food destinations,sports tourism, coolcationing, gig tripping, private group travel?

    1. Of course, we will recommend Manaslu Circuit Trek with Tsum Valley because Tsum Valley’s cultural richness is evident in its ancient monasteries, intricately adorned chortens, and the vibrant traditions of its local communities, offering trekkers a rare opportunity to witness and engage with a unique way of life. As you navigate through this less-explored region, the allure lies in the pristine landscapes and the absence of crowds, allowing for a more intimate connection with nature. From lush green forests to towering mountain peaks, the combination of the Manaslu Circuit and Tsum Valley presents an awe-inspiring tableau, making this trek a captivating and unforgettable experience for those seeking both cultural immersion and untouched natural beauty.

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